LoRaWAN® Security—the Foundation for a Secure System
The LoRaWAN® technical webinar series continues with: LoRaWAN® Security—the Foundation for a Secure System In this webinar, Alper Yegin (CTO, Actility & Vice Chairman and Chair of the Technical Committee, LoRa Alliance) and Robert Cragie (Director of Security, LoRa Alliance) will discuss how LoRaWAN provides a secure means of transmitting data—from AES 128-based cryptography to join procedures to FUOTA—and creates an inherently strong foundation upon which other security measures can be added, if necessary to the use case. The audience will learn the various ways how LoRaWAN provides this secure foundation. We will also review best practices in IoT security and how adhering to these rules can ensure LoRaWAN deployments meet regulations and mandates. This will cover Backend Infrastructure Security and FUOTA, as well as address the challenges for IoT security beyond standard IT security. Robert will present recommendations and guidelines as well as address methodologies, legislation, and certification programs for product and device security. Watch this webinar to learn how to achieve baseline security and how the LoRaWAN security foundation gives you a solid base on which to build.