LoRa Alliance™ 10th All Members Meeting and Open House to Showcase “Achieving Business Value with LoRaWAN™”
Members, End-Users and Industry Leaders to Share LoRaWAN Use Cases and Return on Investment, and Demonstrate their Latest Products and Services
Vancouver, Canada – May 8, 2018 – The LoRa AllianceTM, the global association of companies backing the open LoRaWANTM standard for internet of things (IoT) low- power wide-area networks (LPWANs), announced that its 10th All Members Meeting and Open House will focus on the theme of “Achieving Business Value with LoRaWAN.” Taking place in Vancouver, Canada from June 4-7, 2018, members and guests will gather to learn about existing LoRaWAN implementations and use cases, as well as their return on investment (ROI). Attendees will also have the opportunity to experience the Market Place featuring member companies’ products and services that leverage LoRaWAN technology.